If the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena then a lot of credit for our Track and Field Relay successes in the past ten years must go to Adrian Keen.
Seen here in 2016 after a repeat 100m Masters victory with Marty Lane, David Pfeffer and Brendan Purcell, Adrian has also tasted Long Jump Relay successes.
But his efforts in helping marshall our troops into consistently one of the top-performing throws clubs winning numerous Open and Masters Shot and Discus titles has been one of his greatest contributions.
A former top cyclist, Adrian started competing when his kids joined us from Arana Little Athletics and his ten years straight of competing in all four throws at the State Titles has paid dividends as he has progressed to multiple National Masters medals.
An Olympic Trials appearance at age 50 in the Javelin highlights to our juniors just what can happen if you keep persevering.