Ashgrove Rangers Athletic Club, the first 60 years 1962 – 2022 takes you back to where it all began – from the humble beginnings of a group of scouts who wanted to run in the local athletic competition to what it is today, one of Brisbane’s most inclusive and competitive athletic clubs. The book comprises of chapters written by both current and past members which mesh together a number of inspirational stories. The book thus reflects what we are all about and our core identity. We hope readers can draw this out from the pages and in doing so give them the inspiration for their own athletics journey.

The summary on the book’s rear cover provides some more colour to what it is all about…
Since 1962 the Ashgrove Rangers Athletic Club and its distinctive green singlet have been a mainstay figure across the Queensland athletics scene. Over the years it has produced State, National and International representatives, a proud achievement for a group of amateur athletes and volunteers. While these accolades in competition have been individually celebrated, it is the collective story of the club itself and those who built it which has largely gone untold.
Celebrating our first 60 years the Ashgrove Rangers Athletic Club, The first 60 years 1962 – 2022 is a collection of personal memories and anecdotes that span the many decades. Written by current and former club members, they tell an interwoven set of stories that showcase comradery, teamwork and contribution. You will of course read about podium achievements, but it’s the stories where just turning up and ‘having a go’ probably reflect more what the club is more about.
This book also represents a heartfelt thank you to the many people who have been part of the journey as every contribution made has enable the club to become what it is today. It is also hoped readers can find inspiration to keep running, jumping and throwing (or even start) as athletics is a sport for life and of course there is no better club than the Ashgrove Rangers to do this in.
It is a massive achievement to be able to cover the full 60 years like has been done. We are thankful to Paul Circosta and Graham Barralet, two of our longest serving members, who compiled and edited all of the material. The pair also undertook countless hours researching and going back over old records, much of it was incomplete. We would also like to thank everyone who contributed with stories, photos, ideas, reviews and insights. It has all come together and it is a fantastic shout out to the characters who have been part of it all (and still are).
Copies of the book are only $30 each. To purchase a copy please see Ken Hastie (who can be typically found on Monday or Thursday nights at the Gap High Oval training) or click here to order online (there is a small fee for postage).