It was great to be back at the Tamborine Mountain Relays at the Ling Road Sports Complex this morning after the big storm caused last year’s event to be cancelled.
The weather this morning was much more hospitable and thankfully some cloud cover kept the temperature within bearable range.
Fastest of our runners was Daisy Carter for the Women with Alittude team who finished ahead of our fastest male runner Mark Lepper.
Daisy recorded a sub-33 minute effort over the tough 7k loop which combines elements of cross country, road and trail running and includes plenty of tough hills.
It was a see-sawing battle between our teams with Women with Altitude once again gaining the ascendancy on the final leg.
Original event organiser Bruce Hargreaves has found a very capable successor these days in Guy Roberts for what is a real community event with local dignitaries attending, community groups involved in the organisation and all funds going to the Tamborine Mountain Little Athletics Club which is based at the facility.
Afterwards as is customary we adjourned to the St Bernard’s Hotel for lunch.
A big thanks to the organisers, all of our runners and the other teams who competed.