Russell Adams has been a very popular figure in the club since the late 1990s being heavily involved in organising relay teams for the 500km Road Relay along with assisting with events like the All Schools Cross Country and South Burnett Rail Trail Relay. He was also an active committee member and President of the club.
Russell will be awarded Life Membership of Ashgrove Rangers at our upcoming 60th Anniversary Dinner.
Our Buffet Dinner is on Saturday 8th October at 5.15pm at Broncos Leagues Club, Fulcher Rd, Red Hill with tickets available at $55 for adults, $15 for Kids up to 12 yrs with 4 yrs and below free.
So far we have 60 takers from all generations of the club with tickets on sale until next Monday 26th September.
Looking forward to celebrating what should be a great night.